WASHINGTON POST: GOP women’s record-breaking success reflects party’s major shift on recruiting and supporting female candidates

By Rachel Bade Published December 7, 2020 Republican Beth Van Duyne was skeptical when House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) showed up in Dallas and asked her to run for Congress in mid-2019. The former mayor of Irving, Tex., was well-known in the community as a glass-ceiling breaker in the local boys’ club of GOP…

ROLL CALL: Zooms, phone calls and texts: Supporting GOP women behind the scenes

By Bridget Bowman Published December 3, 2020 The coronavirus pandemic sent candidates scrambling in the spring, trying to figure out how to campaign amid a global health crisis. For Republican women, that meant calling Julie Conway.  “I was having the same conversation 30 times a day,” Conway, the executive director of VIEW PAC, which supports…